News Release
February 21, 2025
Karl Pratt
Executive Director
Sheridan County Community Foundation
Informational meeting regarding State Funding and Programs to be held March 13 in WaKeeney
By Karl Pratt, executive director, Sheridan County Community Foundation
Hoxie, Kan. ⸺ The Dane G. Hansen Foundation, Logan, is hosting an informational meeting about the various state funding and other programs currently available to Northwest Kansas counties and communities on Thursday, March 13, from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. at the Western Kansas Electric Cooperative Community Room, 635 S 13th, WaKeeney.
The Kansas Department of Commerce, Innovation Center, and Sunflower Electric staff will be presenting on business development, site certification, funding/grant opportunities, and other programs that can benefit our magic corner of the state.
City, county, hospital, and other elected and/or community leaders are highly encouraged to attend.
Attendance is free; however, registrations are requested online at https://lp.constantcontactpages.com/ev/reg/f2g9ken.
Several staff members and representatives from the Sheridan County Community Foundation will be attending and are offering carpooling options if other individuals or organizations are interested in attending. Contact SCCF Executive Director Karl Pratt at 785-677-5090 or director@growsheridancounty.org if interested in this option.
SCCF is an affiliate of the Greater Northwest Kansas Community Foundation based in Bird City. The foundation seeks to encourage, prudently manage, and distribute charitable contributions to improve the quality of life of Sheridan County residents, now and in the future. To learn more, contact Pratt at 785-677-5090, director@growsheridancounty.org, or visit www.growsheridancounty.org. Connect with SCCF at www.facebook.com/sheridanccf.